Safe Standing Systems

Safe Standing Systems

01 April 2023

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for safe standing systems in stadiums around the world. Safe standing refers to a seating arrangement that allows fans to stand and watch the game, while also providing safety measures to prevent accidents and injuries. While traditional seating has been the norm for many years, safe standing systems are becoming increasingly popular due to their benefits for both fans and clubs.

Safe standing systems have been used in Europe for many years, and in 2021, the UK government approved a pilot program to allow the use of safe standing in certain areas of stadiums. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of safe standing systems and how they work.

Benefits of Safe Standing Systems

One of the main benefits of safe standing systems is that they increase the capacity of a stadium. By allowing fans to stand, more people can fit into a smaller space. This is especially important for clubs that have high demand for tickets but limited space. Safe standing can also improve the atmosphere in a stadium. Standing fans tend to be more vocal and create a more lively atmosphere, which can make the game more enjoyable for everyone in attendance.

Another benefit of safe standing systems is that they can improve safety in a stadium. Safe standing systems are designed with safety in mind, with measures in place to prevent fans from falling or getting crushed in a crowd. This is achieved through the use of barriers and railings that prevent fans from falling forward or backward. Additionally, safe standing systems are designed to ensure that fans have enough space to move around and avoid getting trapped in a crowd.

How Safe Standing Systems Work?

Safe standing systems are made up of a series of barriers and railings that divide the standing areas into sections. Each section is designed to hold a certain number of fans, and the barriers and railings prevent fans from falling or getting pushed into other sections. The barriers and railings are made from high-strength materials that can withstand the force of a large crowd.

One of the key features of safe standing systems is the use of a "rail seat" design. Rail seats are individual seats that are attached to a railing, allowing fans to stand behind them. The seats can be folded up when not in use, creating more space for standing fans. The rail seats are designed to provide a stable base for fans to stand on, while also preventing them from falling forward.

Another important feature of safe standing systems is the use of designated entry and exit points. Fans are directed to specific entrances and exits, which helps to control the flow of people in and out of the standing areas. This reduces the risk of overcrowding and makes it easier for fans to move around the stadium.

Finally, safe standing systems are designed with emergency situations in mind. In the event of an emergency, the barriers and railings can be quickly removed to allow fans to evacuate the stadium. This is an important safety feature that ensures that fans can exit the stadium quickly and safely in the event of an emergency.

Safe standing systems are becoming increasingly popular in stadiums around the world, and for good reason. They offer a range of benefits, including increased capacity, improved atmosphere, and enhanced safety. While there are some concerns about the safety of standing fans, modern safe standing systems are designed with safety in mind and have been shown to be effective in preventing accidents and injuries.

As more clubs adopt safe standing systems, it is likely that they will become the norm rather than the exception. This is good news for fans, who will be able to enjoy a better viewing experience, and for clubs, who will be able to increase their capacity and revenue. With proper design and implementation, safe standing systems can provide a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone in the stadium.